Advanced time management training

Advanced Time Management Training – More Control and Value from Your Time and Life

Your time is important, and there’s never enough of it. As you become more proficient and knowledgeable as a professional, it’s important to continually raise the personal productivity bar for yourself. Your career and your overall sense of satisfaction depend on your ability to become more efficient and effective in the skill of time management. Of course, in reality you can’t manage time. It is what it is, and the clock simply ticks off the seconds, minutes and hours while you do what you do. In reality, time management is self management. Your old time management habits are your greatest obstacle to achieving higher levels of personal productivity. In essence, time management is about personal change. “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”

Robert Jhonson is the leader in non-planner specific time management training.

The objective of most time management companies is to train you on how to use “their” calendar system. Although learning the tips on using a planner or calendar are important, your overriding objective is to find ways to create more value for yourself and your team in both your professional and personal lives.

Advanced Time Management Training delivers this increased value from your time through five easy-to-use, time planning tools. Through highly-interactive learning, participants will apply these easy-to- use mental tools for more effective calendar use. More significantly though, they can apply these time management skills in numerous other ways to get more of what is important to them done in less time, both on and off the job. No other time management training has comparable measured results – a 96% completion rate on identified business and personal objectives.

Learn more about our valuable time planning tools?

Time Management Training Program Highlights: Using Our Valuable Time Planning Tools

Our time planning tools are designed to impact all aspects of both professional and personal life -read the highlights of our time management training program below:

  • People – A two-minute method to immediately improve the value derived from every relationship
  • Projects – Timely completion of your most important project activities to advance your goals
  • Organization – Improved productivity through quick, effective planning & organization tools
  • Delegation – Much more effective and timely delegation
  • Follow Through – A tool for preventing anything from falling through the cracks
  • Focus – Staying in focus despite interruptions, increased value from each personal interaction
  • Goal Accomplishment – Connecting daily activities to your work and life goals
  • Listening – Using listening time much more effectively
  • Communications – Reducing the time delays and value lost by miscommunications
  • Procrastination – Escape the “As Soon As Trap”that so often defeats most other time management training
  • Control – More control and value from your time and your life
  • Success – More every day Achievement and Enjoyment on and off the job
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BEGINS: xx MESE 2016




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    Time Management Training Benefits to Your Organization

    • Increased individual productivity, accountability and commitment
    • Much more timely individual and team project completion
    • More effective communication throughout the organization
    • Less negative organizational stress
    • Noticeably improved teamwork

    Time Management Training Benefits to the Individual

    More control and value from your time and your life Increased recognition and reward from higher personal productivity levels Improved relationships both on and off the job Reduced stress and more enjoyment of everyday life.

    Don’t Procrastinate

    In your time management workshop you’ll learn how to overcome the habit of procrastination. However, if it keeps you from contacting us, that workshop will never happen. Contact us now to get the ball rolling!

    Why I'd like to enroll in the STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS with Robert?

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      Jhonson Robert Founder JRC USA


      Robert Jhonson, born into a poor family, father carpenter and mother at home. Hard years have made him what he is today. Robert Jhonson is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development, analysis and business strategy, leadership, lifestyle medicine and spiritual growth. Over the course of more than two decades of his career, he has written more than 20 books, including 6 New York Times bestsellers whose rights have been transferred to an association committed to fighting world hunger. Consultant to many global industries worldwide. His work is based on a rigorous understanding of the context of each institutional client, sector dynamics and macroeconomic context. It studies emerging markets, trends and best practices, in every sector and region, locally and globally.

      Guided by values

      our values

      We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term.

      • We guard client confidences.
      • We don’t publicize our work for our clients.
      • We express the truth as we see it.
      • We will only take on an engagement if we believe we can create value for the client substantially in excess of our professional fees.