Health programs

Enjoy good health means not feel any fatigue, have appetite, sleep well and wake up well rested, have good memory, sense of humor, be precise in thoughts and actions, to be honest, humble,
full of gratitude and love.

What is your current state of health?

how can we help you?

What is A NewBalance Acronym?

The NEWBALANCE Lifestyle Program provides you with the skills and information you need to make informed decisions about nutrition, exercise and stress so that you can make sustainable positive changes in your life. It is personalised to you – so it works to help you overcome the unique barriers in your life.

NEWBALANCE Lifestyle Program is a health recovery program designed to prevent and reverse disease through natural methods. This program is based on ten fundamental lifestyle principles proven to help you achieve optimum health: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Be greatful, Attraction, Longlife Learning, Achievement, Needs, Concentrate, Express your emotions.


Proper nutrition is vital to good health. Food that is devitalized cannot supply the vitamins and minerals it lacks. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we choose wisely the food that goes on our table. Vegetables and fruits should be making the greater proportion of our meals, along with whole grains, beans, legumes, and seeds. From our food, we will obtain all the elements essential for good health: vitamins, minerals, water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, and fiber. Foods should be prepared with simplicity and variation. Food should be carefully chosen and prepared with intelligence, love and skill.


we were created for action. Exercise provides greater vitality, extra energy, and longer life. Yet, for many, the greatest exertion of the day is getting out of bed, or walking from the kitchen to the garage. We must deliberately incorporate physical activity into our lives to prevent sedentary habits from taking over. We live in a push-button society. It wasn’t too many years ago that humankind walked a great deal more, chopped wood, tended gardens for food, and worked physically for a living. In past ages, people may have overworked their bodies, but exercise was not a major concern. Today, exercise is one of the most discussed but least practiced subjects. When we do not exercise, or get too little of it, our bodies suffer. Inaction of any of the organs of the body will result in a decrease in organ size, less muscle strength, and sluggish circulation of the blood. Exercise is very important for every human body. A lack of exercise greatly impairs and reduces bodily functions.


Because the body is 70% water, keeping well hydrated and knowing what and when to drink are essential to health. Water is an all-purpose cleanser both inside and out of the body. It is an abundant and effective agent for washing away dirt, germs, and bacteria. All our tissues, vital fluids, and secretions contain a large percentage of water. Water is of great importance in maintaining health. It is the basic component of all existing things. A glass of water acts as a bath for the digestive system, cleansing and refreshing it. If we could follow the stream of water into the hidden places of our bodies, we would see it washing away the poisons in the blood that are circulating through the kidneys. The kidneys must work harder if the body doesn’t get enough water.

Be Grateful

What is the connection between happiness and gratefulness? Many people would say, well, that’s very easy. When you are happy, you are grateful. But think again. Is it really the happy people that are grateful? We all know quite a number of people who have everything that it would take to be happy, and they are not happy, because they want something else or they want more of the same. And we all know people who have lots of misfortune, misfortune that we ourselves would not want to have, and they are deeply happy. They radiate happiness. You are surprised. Why? Because they are grateful. So it is not happiness that makes us grateful. It’s gratefulness that makes us happy. If you think it’s happiness that makes you grateful, think again. It’s gratefulness that makes you happy.


The Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon which we place our dominant thoughts and / or belief systems (which are just crystallised thoughts). In other words, if we focus predominantly on abundance, health, solutions and positive outcomes then that is exactly what we will attract back into our lives. Nice! Of course the converse is also true, focus on lack / scarcity / not entitled to, disease etc you will attract that into your life.  The quicker you learn this law in conjunction with the other Universal Laws the easier it becomes for you.

Longlife Learning

Life often shifts between feeling like you have it all figured out and like you know nothing at all. Fortunately, every experience (whether good or bad) ends up teaching you something. The beauty of life are the opportunities around the corner to pick you up exactly when needed. If you never stop learning, you will remember that the journey is a series of new starts that make you wiser and stronger each time.


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. ” Albert Einstein


We seek happiness in the acceptance of others, in material possessions, in social status. We even search for happiness in some future-promised afterlife. We sabotage ourselves and our entire lives because we fail to understand a very simple but easily overlooked fact. The Search for Happiness is the Single Greatest Cause of Misery Our lives are inundated with practicality and productivity. We think that if there’s no purpose to something, there’s no point in doing it. In reality the best things in life have no purpose. We sacrifice our time and our sanity doing what we don’t want to do, so at some future point we will create the freedom to do what we love.



We have five senses which we need to use. If they are insufficiently stimulated, this can cause a sense of numbness or distress. When we are stimulated, we may well become physically aroused, with the added buzz from the effect of neural chemicals such as adrenaline. Stimulation may be with air and sunlight or also be intellectual and emotional, for example where we are excited by a book or upset by world events.


When others recognize and acknowledge us, our sense of identity is reinforced as we know ourselves to exist as individuals and to have an accepted place in society. Recognition is related to both belonging and esteem, as we are accepted into groups and then gain status within them. Recognition is built into society and we nod and smile to strangers, thanking them for holding open a door and complying with social norms.


The evolutionary need to procreate is essential for the survival and growth of the species. We hence constantly view others as potential partners, sizing them up and wondering what they would be like in bed. This need is also related to passion and love and, beyond basic copulation, we seek romance in our lives. Wider again we enjoy passion about anything, from sports to supporting international causes.

Time structure.

We all know that we have a certain amount of time in which to live our lives and want it to make sense. We find comfort in the regular passing of the years, of celebration days from birthdays to new year. We fret about wasting time and worry about not having enough time. We plan and want to know what is going to happen, and when. We also want to have space in which to be relaxed and less ordered, though we often still want to organize this space. And so we fill our lives with things to do: Rest, Holidays, keep Diaries and calendars, create careers with explanatory resums trailing the past to make sense for the next job.


Do You Love, or Do You Fear? There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with enthusiam, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.

Express your Emotions

The Feelings form a basic element of human interaction. Even brief day-to- day encounters involve an exchange of emotion, whether it’s a kiss goodbye as your kids catch the school bus, a quick catch-up with a client over lunch, or a friendly nod to a passerby on the street. How we express feelings is determined by a complex matrix of innate personality traits and tendencies, cultural and familial influences, as well as the context or social setting. It’s hard work, but learning to better communicate emotion could impact your physical and psychological health and improve the quality of relationships in your home and work life. Communication is key, Our culture values self-expression. We are encouraged to be assertive, and this includes the ability to convey our thoughts and feelings. It all boils down to communication skills.

We can help you

  • Relieve Arthritis
  • Reverse Diabetes
  • Reverse Heart Disease
  • Renew Immune System
  • Reduce Neuropathy
  • Overcome Depression
  • Shed Pounds
  • Increase Energy
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Enhance Vitality

Which NEWBALANCE Program is right for me?

perfect-health-mod-one day

Perfect Health in one day (1 day)


Perfect Health in Three days (3 days)


Perfect Health in Seven days


Healthy Workplace

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    Jhonson Robert Founder JRC USA


    Robert Jhonson, born into a poor family, father carpenter and mother at home. Hard years have made him what he is today. Robert Jhonson is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development, analysis and business strategy, leadership, lifestyle medicine and spiritual growth. Over the course of more than two decades of his career, he has written more than 20 books, including 6 New York Times bestsellers whose rights have been transferred to an association committed to fighting world hunger. Consultant to many global industries worldwide. His work is based on a rigorous understanding of the context of each institutional client, sector dynamics and macroeconomic context. It studies emerging markets, trends and best practices, in every sector and region, locally and globally.

    Guided by values

    our values

    We strive to build a relationship of trust with every client, for the long-term.

    • We guard client confidences.
    • We don’t publicize our work for our clients.
    • We express the truth as we see it.
    • We will only take on an engagement if we believe we can create value for the client substantially in excess of our professional fees.